Evaluation of the Doncaster Social Prescribing Service

Evaluation of the Doncaster Social Prescribing Service
Dayson C and Bennett E Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield. 2016

Project ID (Internal) 48
Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Dayson C and Bennett E (2016) Evaluation of the Doncaster Social Prescribing Service. Sheffield Hallam University. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research Report. [The report can be accessed here]
Full Reference (URL)
Summary / Abstract

An evaluation of the Doncaster Social Prescribing Service, providing an analysis of outcomes for service users and the costs and benefits of the service between August 2015 and July 2016. It uses interviews with staff and key stakeholders from across health and social care, and users of the service; self-evaluation questionnaires from 292 people using the Service; and quality of life surveys completed by 215 users of the Service. The Social Prescribing Service reached more than 1,000 people referred by their GP, Community Nurse or Pharmacist and enabled almost 600 local people to access support within the community during the evaluation period. The main reasons for referral were a long term health or mental health condition. Positive outcomes for clients included improvements in health related quality of life (HRQL), social connectedness, and financial well-being. However, there was little evidence to suggest a reduction in the use of secondary care and inpatient stays. In health terms, the evaluation estimates that for every £1 of the £180,000 funding spent, the Service produced more than £10 of benefits in terms of better health.

Publication Title Evaluation of the Doncaster Social Prescribing Service
Author(s) Dayson C and Bennett E
Publication Details Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield.
Publication Year / End of Project 2016
Last Accessed 03/01/2019 12:00 am

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