Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADL Activities of daily living
ASCOT Adult social care outcomes toolkit
CBA Cost-benefit analysis
CEA Cost-effectiveness analysis
CUA Cost-utility analysis
DALYs Disability-adjusted life years
DCEs Discrete choice experiments
EQ-5D  The EuroQol Five Dimension
IADL Instrumental activities of daily living
ICECAP-O  ICEpop CAPability measure for Older people
ICT Information and communication technology
LTC Long-term care
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
QALYs Quality-adjusted life years
RCT  Randomised controlled trial
SCRQoL  Social care-related quality of life
SIP Social Investment Package
SROI Social return on investment
WTP Willingness to pay

NIHR School for
Social Care Research