Supported employment: cost-effectiveness across six European sites

Supported employment: cost-effectiveness across six European sites
Knapp M, Patel A, Curran C, et al World Psychiatry, 12, 1, 60-68. 2013

Project ID (Internal) 196
Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Knapp M, Patel A, Curran C, et al (2013) Supported employment: cost-effectiveness across six European sites. [The abstract can be accessed here]
Full Reference (URL)
Summary / Abstract

A high proportion of people with severe mental health problems are unemployed but would like to work. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) offers a promising approach to establishing people in paid employment. In a randomized controlled trial across six European countries, we investigated the economic case for IPS for people with severe mental health problems compared to standard vocational rehabilitation. Individuals (n=312) were randomized to receive either IPS or standard vocational services and followed for 18 months. Service use and outcome data were collected. Cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted with two primary outcomes: additional days worked in competitive settings and additional percentage of individuals who worked at least 1 day. Analyses distinguished country effects. A partial cost-benefit analysis was also conducted. IPS produced better outcomes than alternative vocational services at lower cost overall to the health and social care systems. This pattern also held in disaggregated analyses for five of the six European sites. The inclusion of imputed values for missing cost data supported these findings. IPS would be viewed as more cost-effective than standard vocational services. Further analysis demonstrated cost-benefit arguments for IPS. Compared to standard vocational rehabilitation services, IPS is, therefore, probably cost-saving and almost certainly more cost-effective as a way to help people with severe mental health problems into competitive employment.

Publication Title Supported employment: cost-effectiveness across six European sites
Author(s) Knapp M, Patel A, Curran C, et al
Publication Details World Psychiatry, 12, 1, 60-68.
Publication Year / End of Project 2013
Last Accessed 03/01/2019 12:00 am

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