The Autism Dividend: The Report

The Autism Dividend: The Report
Iemmi V, Knapp M, Ragan I National Autism Project, London. 2017

Project ID (Internal) 199
Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Iemmi V, Knapp M, Ragan I (2017) The Autism Dividend: The Report. [The report can be accessed here]
Full Reference (URL)
Summary / Abstract

In 2007, research led by Professor Martin
Knapp from the London School of Economics
and Political Science demonstrated that the
economic consequences of autism in the
UK totalled £28 billion per annum. The study,
financed by The Shirley Foundation, stimulated
other work such as the National Audit Office
report in 2009, Supporting People with Autism
through Adulthood, which showed that
effective support could substantially reduce
costs. The Autism Act (2009) aimed to improve
diagnosis and support for autistic adults in
England, while in Wales the first ever national
strategy for autism was published in 2008, and
other political initiatives followed in Scotland
(the Scottish Strategy for Autism launched in
2011) and Northern Ireland (the wide-ranging
Autism Act (NI) 2011). These initiatives in
all four nations led to further development
of action plans, revised strategies and new
guidance. It looked as though a new era of
more effective recognition and support for
autistic people was beginning. Yet nearly
a decade on, the needs of autistic people
are still unmet and the expected economic
dividend never materialised. When the LSE
revisited the figures for 2014 using more
accurate information the total came to £32
billion. Something is clearly not working.

Publication Title The Autism Dividend: The Report
Author(s) Iemmi V, Knapp M, Ragan I
Publication Details National Autism Project, London.
Publication Year / End of Project 2017
Last Accessed 03/01/2019 12:00 am

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