ESSENCE CASE STUDY Cognitive stimulation therapy: economic evidence

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Key Points


  • Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) helps memory and cognition of people with dementia. It involves structured group therapy sessions with themed activities. Those are typically provided over 14 sessions in seven weeks.
  • Maintenance CST involves 24 additional sessions after the initial seven weeks that follow the same principles as regular cognitive stimulation therapy sessions.
  • People using CST are likely to experience improvements in memory, cognition, and overall quality of life (although improvements in quality of life are less easy to establish).
  • Both (standard) CST and maintenance CST for people with mild-to-moderate dementia can be cost-effective; this is particular so when offered in combination with dementia medication.
  • Whilst provision of CST is recommended by NICE, and rolled out more widely, current provision remains patchy.

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NIHR School for
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