A survey of Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies: identifying the hidden costs of providing a home adaptations service

A survey of Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies: identifying the hidden costs of providing a home adaptations service
Curtis, Lesley A., Beecham, Jennifer A survey of Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies: identifying the hidden costs of providing a home adaptations service 2018

Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Curtis, Lesley A., Beecham, Jennifer (2018) A survey of Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies: identifying the hidden costs of providing a home adaptations service. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81 (11). pp. 633-640.
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title A survey of Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies: identifying the hidden costs of providing a home adaptations service
Author(s) Curtis, Lesley A., Beecham, Jennifer
Publication Details A survey of Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies: identifying the hidden costs of providing a home adaptations service
Publication Year / End of Project 2018
Last Accessed 12/03/2025 11:03 am

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