A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia

A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia
Daly Lynn J, Rondón-Sulbarán J, Quinn E, Ryan A, McCormack B, Martin S. A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia 2019

Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Daly Lynn J, Rondón-Sulbarán J, Quinn E, Ryan A, McCormack B, Martin S. A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia. Dementia. 2019;18(7-8):2371-2435. doi:10.1177/1471301217733649
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia
Author(s) Daly Lynn J, Rondón-Sulbarán J, Quinn E, Ryan A, McCormack B, Martin S.
Publication Details A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia
Publication Year / End of Project 2019
Last Accessed 18/02/2025 12:10 am

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