Costs and cost-effectiveness of the meeting centres support programme for people living with dementia and carers in Italy, Poland and the UK: the MEETINGDEM study

Costs and cost-effectiveness of the meeting centres support programme for people living with dementia and carers in Italy, Poland and the UK: the MEETINGDEM study
Henderson, Catherine, Rehill, Amritpal, Brooker, Dawn, Evans, Simon, Evans, Shirley, Bray, Jennifer, Saibene, Francesca Lea, Scorolli, Claudia, Szcześniak, Dorota, D'Arma, Alessia, Lion, Katarzyna, Atkinson, Teresa, Farina, Elisabetta, Rymaszewska, Joanna, Chattat, Rabih, Meiland, Franka, Dröes, Rose-Marie and Knapp, Martin Costs and cost-effectiveness of the meeting centres support programme for people living with dementia and carers in Italy, Poland and the UK: the MEETINGDEM study 2021

Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Henderson, Catherine, Rehill, Amritpal, Brooker, Dawn, Evans, Simon, Evans, Shirley, Bray, Jennifer, Saibene, Francesca Lea, Scorolli, Claudia, Szcześniak, Dorota, D'Arma, Alessia, Lion, Katarzyna, Atkinson, Teresa, Farina, Elisabetta, Rymaszewska, Joanna, Chattat, Rabih, Meiland, Franka, Dröes, Rose-Marie and Knapp, Martin (2021) Costs and cost-effectiveness of the meeting centres support programme for people living with dementia and carers in Italy, Poland and the UK: the MEETINGDEM study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 29 (6). 1756 - 1768. ISSN 0966-0410
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title Costs and cost-effectiveness of the meeting centres support programme for people living with dementia and carers in Italy, Poland and the UK: the MEETINGDEM study
Author(s) Henderson, Catherine, Rehill, Amritpal, Brooker, Dawn, Evans, Simon, Evans, Shirley, Bray, Jennifer, Saibene, Francesca Lea, Scorolli, Claudia, Szcześniak, Dorota, D'Arma, Alessia, Lion, Katarzyna, Atkinson, Teresa, Farina, Elisabetta, Rymaszewska, Joanna, Chattat, Rabih, Meiland, Franka, Dröes, Rose-Marie and Knapp, Martin
Publication Details Costs and cost-effectiveness of the meeting centres support programme for people living with dementia and carers in Italy, Poland and the UK: the MEETINGDEM study
Publication Year / End of Project 2021
Last Accessed 12/03/2025 11:00 am

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