Economic Evaluation of an "Experts by Experience" Model in Basildon District

Economic Evaluation of an "Experts by Experience" Model in Basildon District
Bauer A, et al Personal Social Services Research Unit, London. 2011

Project ID (Internal) 57
Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Bauer A, et al (2011) Economic Evaluation of an "Experts by Experience" Model in Basildon District. Personal Social Services Unit, London School of Economics and Political Science. [The abstract can be accessed here]
Full Reference (URL)
Summary / Abstract

The aim of the project was the development of a business case based on economic evaluation
methods which supports local commissioners in Basildon in the reconfiguration of services, following
the implementation of Turning Point’s Connected Care community led audit and recommendations
for commissioning and provision of services in the communities of SE Pitsea and Vange. One of the
recommendations made by the Connected Care Community researchers was for a community led
and delivered service, Experts by Experience (EbE). The business case examined likely costs and
outcomes of a community navigator programme, (EbE), which targets high-risk individuals and those
with complex or multiple needs in the deprived neighbourhoods of SE Pitsea and Vange in Basildon
district. The service design was developed by members of the community, commissioners and other
stakeholders, based on the audit of local needs carried out by local people. The economic evaluation
explored, from a societal and total public budget perspective, the short-term (1 year) likely costs and
benefits of a hypothetical implementation of the EbE programme. An interactive toolkit was
developed to illustrate the contributions of different service pathways to the costs and benefits of
the EbE programme

Publication Title Economic Evaluation of an "Experts by Experience" Model in Basildon District
Author(s) Bauer A, et al
Publication Details Personal Social Services Research Unit, London.
Publication Year / End of Project 2011
Last Accessed 03/01/2019 12:00 am

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