Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM)

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM)
Roentgen UR, Heide LA, Kremer IE, Creemers H, Brehm MA, Groothuis JT, Hagedoren EA, Daniëls R, Evers SM. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM) 2021

Project Status In Progress
Full Reference (text) Roentgen UR, Heide LA, Kremer IE, Creemers H, Brehm MA, Groothuis JT, Hagedoren EA, Daniëls R, Evers SM. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM). Technology and Disability. 2021 Jan 1;33(3):207-20.
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM)
Author(s) Roentgen UR, Heide LA, Kremer IE, Creemers H, Brehm MA, Groothuis JT, Hagedoren EA, Daniëls R, Evers SM.
Publication Details Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM)
Publication Year / End of Project 2021
Last Accessed 12/03/2025 11:18 am

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