Enhanced Home Care Interventions for Community Residing Adults Compared With Usual Care on Health and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: A Systematic Review.

Enhanced Home Care Interventions for Community Residing Adults Compared With Usual Care on Health and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
Flemming, Julie OT, BSc, MScOT; Armijo-Olivo, Susan PT, BScPT, MScPT, PhD; Dennett, Liz MLIS; Lapointe, Paul OT, MScOT; Robertson, David BScOT; Wang, Jian PhD; Ohinmaa, Arto PhD. Enhanced Home Care Interventions for Community Residing Adults Compared With Usual Care on Health and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: A Systematic Review. 2021

Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Flemming, Julie OT, BSc, MScOT; Armijo-Olivo, Susan PT, BScPT, MScPT, PhD; Dennett, Liz MLIS; Lapointe, Paul OT, MScOT; Robertson, David BScOT; Wang, Jian PhD; Ohinmaa, Arto PhD. Enhanced Home Care Interventions for Community Residing Adults Compared With Usual Care on Health and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: September 2021 - Volume 100 - Issue 9 - p 906-917 doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001734
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title Enhanced Home Care Interventions for Community Residing Adults Compared With Usual Care on Health and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
Author(s) Flemming, Julie OT, BSc, MScOT; Armijo-Olivo, Susan PT, BScPT, MScPT, PhD; Dennett, Liz MLIS; Lapointe, Paul OT, MScOT; Robertson, David BScOT; Wang, Jian PhD; Ohinmaa, Arto PhD.
Publication Details Enhanced Home Care Interventions for Community Residing Adults Compared With Usual Care on Health and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
Publication Year / End of Project 2021
Last Accessed 27/07/2024 3:45 am

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