Evaluating specialist intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge: The IST-ID mixed methods study

Evaluating specialist intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge: The IST-ID mixed methods study
Hassiotis A, Kouroupa A, Hamza L, Marston L, Romeo R, Yaziji N, Hall I, Langdon PE, Courtenay K, Taggart L, Morant N, Crossey V, Lloyd-Evans B Evaluating specialist intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge: The IST-ID mixed methods study 2022

Project Status Completed
Full Reference (text) Hassiotis A, Kouroupa A, Hamza L, Marston L, Romeo R, Yaziji N, et al. Evaluating specialist intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge: The IST-ID mixed methods study. medRxiv; 2022
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title Evaluating specialist intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge: The IST-ID mixed methods study
Author(s) Hassiotis A, Kouroupa A, Hamza L, Marston L, Romeo R, Yaziji N, Hall I, Langdon PE, Courtenay K, Taggart L, Morant N, Crossey V, Lloyd-Evans B
Publication Details Evaluating specialist intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge: The IST-ID mixed methods study
Publication Year / End of Project 2022
Last Accessed 12/03/2025 10:54 am

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