Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers

Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers
Stefanie Ettelt, Raphael Wittenberg, Lorraine Williams, Jackie Damant, Daniel Lombard, Margaret Perkins and Nicholas Mays Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers 2017

Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Stefanie Ettelt, Raphael Wittenberg, Lorraine Williams, Jackie Damant, Daniel Lombard, Margaret Perkins and Nicholas Mays. Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers
Author(s) Stefanie Ettelt, Raphael Wittenberg, Lorraine Williams, Jackie Damant, Daniel Lombard, Margaret Perkins and Nicholas Mays
Publication Details Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers
Publication Year / End of Project 2017
Last Accessed 27/07/2024 8:24 am

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