Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the number of children and young people in statutory care: a systematic scoping review

Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the number of children and young people in statutory care: a systematic scoping review
Brand, S., Morgan, F., Stabler, L., Weightman, A. L., Willis, S., Searchfield, L., ... & Evans, R 2018

Project Status Completed
Full Reference (text) Brand, S., Morgan, F., Stabler, L., Weightman, A. L., Willis, S., Searchfield, L., ... & Evans, R. (2018). Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the number of children and young people in statutory care: A systematic scoping review.
Full Reference (URL)
Summary / Abstract

The increasing number of children and young people entering statutory care in the UK is a significant social, health and educational priority. Development of effective approaches to safely reduce this number remains a complex but critical issue. Despite an increase in interventions, evidence summaries are limited. This study is a scoping review; using systematic searching methods to map published evidence in the area of what works in safely reducing the number of children and young people, under the age of 18 years, entering statutory social care. Including exploring the clusters and gaps of research evidence in this area.

Publication Title Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the number of children and young people in statutory care: a systematic scoping review
Author(s) Brand, S., Morgan, F., Stabler, L., Weightman, A. L., Willis, S., Searchfield, L., ... & Evans, R
Publication Year / End of Project 2018

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