Outcomes of reablement and their measurement: findings from an evaluation of English reablement services. Health & Social Care in the Community
Beresford B, Mayhew E, Duarte A, Faria R, Weatherly H, Mann R, Parker G, Aspinal F, Kanaan M.
Outcomes of reablement and their measurement: findings from an evaluation of English reablement services. Health & Social Care in the Community
Project Status | completed |
Full Reference (text) | Beresford B, Mayhew E, Duarte A, Faria R, Weatherly H, Mann R, Parker G, Aspinal F, Kanaan M. Outcomes of reablement and their measurement: findings from an evaluation of English reablement services. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2019 Nov;27(6):1438-50. |
Full Reference (URL) | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/hsc.12814 |
Publication Title | Outcomes of reablement and their measurement: findings from an evaluation of English reablement services. Health & Social Care in the Community |
Author(s) | Beresford B, Mayhew E, Duarte A, Faria R, Weatherly H, Mann R, Parker G, Aspinal F, Kanaan M. |
Publication Details | Outcomes of reablement and their measurement: findings from an evaluation of English reablement services. Health & Social Care in the Community |
Publication Year / End of Project | 2019 |
Last Accessed | 18/02/2025 12:43 am |
NIHR School for
Social Care Research