The cost-effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention to support caregivers of older people discharged from hospital

The cost-effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention to support caregivers of older people discharged from hospital
Youens, D., Parsons, R., Toye, C. et al. The cost-effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention to support caregivers of older people discharged from hospital 2019

Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Youens, D., Parsons, R., Toye, C. et al. The cost-effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention to support caregivers of older people discharged from hospital. BMC Geriatr 19, 68 (2019).
Full Reference (URL)
Publication Title The cost-effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention to support caregivers of older people discharged from hospital
Author(s) Youens, D., Parsons, R., Toye, C. et al.
Publication Details The cost-effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention to support caregivers of older people discharged from hospital
Publication Year / End of Project 2019
Last Accessed 12/03/2025 11:19 am

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