Warm Homes for Health: Exploring the Costs and Outcomes of Improving Population Health through Better Housing

Warm Homes for Health: Exploring the Costs and Outcomes of Improving Population Health through Better Housing
Tudor Edwards R, Nathan Bray N, Burns P, et al Centre for Health Econmics and Medicine Evaluation, Bangor. 2016

Project ID (Internal) 164
Project Status completed
Full Reference (text) Tudor Edwards R, Nathan Bray N, Burns P, et al (2016) Warm Homes for Health: Exploring the costs and outcomes of improving population health through better housing. Centre for Health Econmics and Medicine Evaluation. Bangor University.
Full Reference (URL)
Summary / Abstract

This briefing by the University of Bangor reports on a research project undertaken with Gentoo in Sunderland to understand the impact that warmth-related housing improvements have on the health, well-being and quality of life of families living in social housing.

In addition, it sought to find out the costs and outcomes associated with new warmth-related housing improvements, compared to existing, unmodified social housing.

Of note, it found that after installation of housing improvements:

across the cohort the number of GP visits in six months reduced by 10%
hospital visits reduced by 67%
accident and emergency department attendance reduced by 45%
inpatient stays reduced by 4%
More than £50,000 worth of NHS cost savings were observed due to reduced health service use

The researchers estimate, ‘if the 4.8million ‘unhealthy’ UK homes were to receive similar housing improvements the NHS could potentially save £1billion a year in health service use costs.’

Publication Title Warm Homes for Health: Exploring the Costs and Outcomes of Improving Population Health through Better Housing
Author(s) Tudor Edwards R, Nathan Bray N, Burns P, et al
Publication Details Centre for Health Econmics and Medicine Evaluation, Bangor.
Publication Year / End of Project 2016
Last Accessed 03/01/2019 12:00 am

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